Drab To Fab...

...With The Right Wall Decor For Your Home.


Are some of the rooms in your home just not cutting it these days? You’ve tried new furniture, new floor dressings and great quality lighting but something is still missing. Where’s that wow factor? Did you know that the right wall decor can really take your environment, warm it up a little and give it that designer look and feel? Framed art can make a dramatic change to a room whether used as a feature focal point or simply by accessorizing its surroundings. But don’t feel you need to go out and purchase a Monet painting, often forgotten photos or other types of art can really bring a room to life with the right custom frame to fit your personality and  style.



Here are some examples:


If time is of the essence and you've skipped design 101 at the school of life, there is hope so don’t feel you need to have the perfect eye right from the get go.

Give us a call here at Dimensions Custom Framing and we’ll help you get the look you want.  We would love to help!  

Wendy & Ellen.